Uninterested in New Food

I added a small slice of carrot and orange for Latte. He spurned them, turning away, as if he was still angry by the noise made by the kids. Not my fault since they haven't been coming to my place for a long time since they started studying. My parents missed them because my mum had looked after the eldest for a long time.

I placed both into the small bowl and hoped that he would try them. I'm starting to feel that he's a picky eater. He spurned the apple that I placed a second time. I guess he'll need a buddy who loves to try new food to spurn him into eating all sorts of food. However, I'm afraid that I won't have the space to enlarge the cage space.

I placed some old T-shirts as new bedding to absorb his pee. It's not much but better than the newspaper being soaked. Photos would be lacking for a while here till I get a new camera.

0 Wheeks:


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