Running Away From Me

I spoke too soon. Just before I left, I decided to spend 30 minutes to bond with Latte. Usually, when he sniffs my hand, he wouldn't nibble but he decided that my hand was food. Told him off sternly. When he decided to nibble on the bowl that contain his food, I said "Oi". Apparently, he understood my tone. He stopped.

I'm having trouble trying to carry him so that I can clean the cage. However, he keeps running off and has been agitated ever since I left him in the living room. The first day, he let me carry him without much struggling. Seems like the living room is not a good place since a lot of noises are going on. I can't put him in my bedroom because they is no space.

Looks like I shall have to bribe him with a treat like pear or pandan leaves to let him be less anxious about me carrying him.

0 Wheeks:


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