Latte Got Pinged!

Here's Latte reaction to being pinged. [via The Young Businessman]

Try it out yourself!
How about you trying to create a advertisement to attract more users?

Your advertisement must meet these criterias:
Size: 600 X 450 pixels
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 36, Strong
Font Colour: White
Phrase: Meet XXX. He/She just got Pinged. Have you?

A logo must always be at the top your picture because you are helping to advertise

3 Wheeks:

  1. Anonymous said...

    I was expecting something else leh.. :P But still nicely done!  

  2. DK said...

    Is he/she/it a member? OMG. Where the blog? WOW. :P  

  3. WishBoNe said...

    @The Young Businessman
    I wanted the something else but it disappeared. :(

    He is member.  


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