Time to provide some notes on taking care of guinea pigs. Here is a list of things on providing care such as questions on how to handle guinea pigs and asking yourself if you are the right person to own one. Guinea pigs are social animals and will need daily interaction. That I'm trying spend half an hour with Latte everyday.
If you have the space, let the cavy run around the house with some supervision. Electric cables and other things that can be nibbled upon must be kept away from the floors. You don't want to harm them in any way.
Guinea pigs don't smell (generally) unless you don't clean the cage regularly. I've to clean the cage soon. I don't want any smell other than the hay I'm giving daily. Here are the steps to clean the cage. The advantage of using grids and coroplasts is that it is easy to clean.
Be aware that some people may have allergies due to the allergen existing in the urine in the bedding. When the guinea pig scurries around, the proteins exposed will become airborne. If possible, get a family member who doesn't suffer from it to clean the cage. It would be best to clean the cage outside of the house. Always wash the hands and any part of the body that had come into contact with your piggie.
Take regular weight checks on the cavy because the change in weight will inform you of their medical conditions. Regular vet check ups would benefit them in the long run.
I found your blog from my google notification thing on guinea pigs. Latte looks really cute. I'm getting a pair of guineas next month, hoping to toilet train them to so will be reading with interest how you do!
Shouldn't you have to piggies though? I hear they get lonely on their own.
I know 2 piggies would be good since I'm not home to play with him all the time. Unfortunately, I think I'm allergic to the urine proteins or hay. :(
I'm still keeping him and placing him in a place far from my bedroom. It works for now. I just need to apply some lotion. Understand that I can get injections or some immunity for guinea pigs. I may use it to reduce my allergies.
How awful for you. I'm worried of a similar thing happening to me, I'm allergic to cats and horses, though not dogs so I'm hopeful.
Hope all goes well, it would be terrible to have to give up your friend.
Thanks for your concern. I've been putting medication for myself and the situation has improved. I just need gloves and mask during the cleaning.
Wow another person that uses a c&c cage!!! I know how you feel. My Rainbow pig Ebony would give me a rash too. Her and smores were the same breed, a abby's. Lola is a Abby & Jazzy Abbyruvian ( abby and peruvian mix.) Jazzy thinks she is SOOOOO special because she has a special name. lol