Must Bond With Him

Note to self, must spend more bonding time with Latte. He keeps running away and hidding in the small corners where he feels safe. I can't even stroke him! The toilet training continues. Below is what I imagine him to think for yesterday's adventure with a giant me.

[via Webshots]

I love my new hayrack. I have more hay now! Yes! I don't understand why that giant is always disturbing me. I like hiding in there. It's safe! I get to poop and pee. She has decided that I shouldn't pee anywhere but I like that nice corner, no one can touch me but something is moving. No! She is attempting to touch me! I like it but she is huge! I'm scared. Must find corner. Must run fast. She stops. I stop.

I'm looking for a hiding place. Ah, my hay. I can burrow myself. No, something is moving on top, the light! She moves my hay away! No, I must hide! This thing can be lifted, I discovered yesterday, good. I hide. She talks to me. Asking me something. I don't understand her but she has always been talking to me, sometimes, she sounded angry.

[via Webshots]

She keeps spraying something on my pee. She has started moving my poop towards where I'm hiding. Is she going to bury me with it? No, wait, she's not. She dumps them somewhere near me. Why does she always do that? I do as I please.

0 Wheeks:


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